- This Aint your grandpappys rodeo -

Photo by: David Rearic

Bull riding is a love that Ross Burney found a bit later than most, but it has become a way of life for him. Ross was in college when he started bull riding, after a roommate introduced him to the sport. “It was a weird way honestly. Most people start young and I happened across it at 20 years old and just fell in love with it. I knew that was what I wanted to do.” Bull riding is an intense sport to say the least, so when he got started, even though having been around cattle his whole life, it was completely new. “No one in my family had ever rode bulls before.” Ross entered his first rodeo in his hometown and told his parents he was entering the same night. He was met with some shock and they thought it was a joke until he was called out to ride. “They all went to the rodeo and when they called my name, they about passed out!”, he said, laughing. Since that moment though, his family has been the best support team. “They help out when I’m on the road and are my biggest fans.” Ross is also a farmer, so he does lead a busy life. “I’m the 4th generation on our farm, with a row crop and cow-calf operation. If I’m not riding bulls, you can find me on the farm. I love to be out here. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing.” 

Being from Coffeeville, Mississippi, they grow peanuts, cotton, and watermelon and raise a mixture of cattle breeds. “My Great-Granddaddy farmed this land, and I’m going to continue it.” Ross has a love of travel as well, which is something he gets quite a bit of in this job. “I’ve been to 49 states and the last one, Alaska, is on my bucket list.” Ross has ridden bulls all over and has been as far away as Canada, Costa Rica and Brazil to do what he loves. “You get to go all over and meet all kinds of people, and I love that part of bull riding.” 

Ross got started with Bulls, Bands and Barrels after some buddies drew him to it by telling him about the energy of the shows and his first event with BBB was last year in Dothan, Alabama. “It was a lot of fun and it was on my radar to go again with them this year.” He has great things to say about Bulls, Bands & Barrels.

“The crew at BBB, Hunter and everybody are great people. We have a lot of fun, they put on a really good show. It’s laid back and just a great event. The concerts are awesome too.”

Ross Burney

If you ask him about his favorite show, it’s definitely Lexington now. “The crowd is always awesome and it’s a fun place. This time around, I drew two really good bulls and it worked out in my favor.” That’s a bit of an understatement, because he came out on top at Lexington. “This was only my second event this year. I got hurt pretty bad last year and was out until after Christmas, so I’m getting back going. But it’s working out so far!” Ross is looking forward to the Jacksonville, Florida show now because he’s out for another win. “Hopefully I can draw some more good bulls like I did in Lexington and get another W.” 

Jacksonville’s show is on February 29th, 2020, and if you want to see Ross get another win, come out to see a high energy show, one that has something for everyone!

Get tickets to the Jacksonville show here –> .